The design document is developed after meeting with the stakeholders and SME(s). It covers the overall plan for the course including stating the problem and goal that will be addressed, the target audience, measurable learning objectives, the method of delivery, the outline of the course and finally, how we'll measure the effectiveness of the training. 

Click on the thumbnails to view the entire document and on the button below to access the corresponding course and job aid.

Happy Valley Design Document

This course prepares adoption counselors for successful interviews with potential pet adopters including active listening skills, key lifestyle considerations and pet care basics. A full write- up for this course can be found on my e-Learning page.

CKC Safety Equipment Training Design Document

This course prepares new sales associates to make appropriate kayaking safety equipment recommendations for three different kayaking environments found in New England. A full write-up for this course can be found on my e-Learning page.